Sveicieni no Kursas!
Pēc divām nedēļām skaistajos Vašingtonas mežos, skolas noslēgums un izlaidums jau apvārsnī!
Aicinām vecākus sestdien, 30. jūlijā, uz Izlaiduma aktu estrādē. Lūdzam ierasties sākot jau no 9:30, un sākt jau 10os doties uz estrādi, lai ieņemtu vietas. Programma sāksies 10:30.
Pirms un pēc programmas būs iespējams apskatīt skolēnu mācību projektus un radošos projektus ēdamzālē. Programma oficiāli beidzas pēc izlaiduma, pulksten 12os, bet varēs vēl uzturēties teritorijā līdz pulksten 14iem.
Kursā turpinājās aktīva dzīve! Bez ierastajām mācību stundām un dziedāšanas notika arī aktīvs darbs rotkalšanas darbnīcā, mākslas klasēs, kā arī ir bija vērojama liela aizrautība šaha spelēs kopā ar Pūpola kungu. Jaunieši arī aktīvi rakstīja paši savus dzejoļus dzejas vakariem.
Esam bijuši arī garākā izbraucienā un devušies pārgājienā uz Hurricane Ridge Olimpiskajā nacionālā parkā, nospēlējuši visus Kursas latus Kursino (Kasino) un paēduši ļoti glaunas vakariņas.
Notika arī aktīvs darbs pie izlaiduma uzveduma veidošanas - jaunieši gan dejo, gan dzied. Vērojami lieliski uzlabojumi polkas dejošanā un dziedot harmonijas!
Liels paldies vecākiem, kuri aktīvi iesaistās Kursas vasaras vidusskolas ikdienā, kā arī viesiem, kuri mūs atbalsta.
Jauku nedēļu vēlot, no visas Kursas Saimes! Un, uz drīzu redzēšanos!
Māra un Diāna
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Greetings from Kursa!
After two weeks in the beautiful woods of Washington, the end of Kursa’s 2022 school program and graduation is on the horizon!
We invite parents and families to the closing program (“Izlaidums”) on Saturday, July 30th.
Please arrive at any time from 9:30am; the Estrāde (outdoor auditorium) seating will begin starting at 10. The performance will start at 10:30am. Before and after the program, it will be possible to view students' projects and crafts in the dining hall. Kursa 2022 officially ends with the conclusion of the Izlaidums, at 12 o'clock, and all students and guests are asked to be packed up and headed home by 2:00 o’clock pm.
Life at Kursa continues to be very active! In addition to daily academic courses and choir, there is ongoing work in the jewelry workshop and art classes, as well as a great enthusiasm for chess lessons with Mr. Pūpols. Many are also exploring creative interests by writing their own poems for poetry evenings.
This past Wednesday, we took a field trip to the hiking destination Hurricane Ridge at Olympic National Park, and Friday night we played cards with Kursa’s own official Lati currency at “Kursino” (Casino). We have enjoyed some great meals, as well as desserts for names' days and birthdays.
Students are working hard for the closing program (Izlaidums), a performance that not only includes Latvian songs and folk dances, but is also all coordinated within a study of the traditional Latvian “Metenis” holiday. Polka steps and harmonies are improving every day!
Many thanks to the parents for your support of Kursa, as well as to guests and alumni who continue to support the Kursa summer school program.
From the entire Kursa staff – have a great week! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Mara and Diana
